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What are semantic tags in HTML?

 Semantic tags in HTML are a set of elements that provide meaning and structure to the content within a web page. These tags go beyond the basic formatting and layout provided by traditional HTML elements (such as `<div>` or `<span>`) and aim to describe the purpose or type of the content they enclose. By using semantic tags, web developers can create more accessible, searchable, and meaningful web pages for both humans and machines.

What are semantic tags in HTML?

Here are some commonly used semantic tags in HTML5 along with their descriptions:

1. `<header>`: Represents the introductory content or a container for a group of introductory content at the beginning of a page or section.

2. `<nav>`: Defines a section containing navigation links, typically used for site navigation menus.

3. `<main>`: Represents the main content of a document. It should be unique and not used within nested `<main>` elements.

4. `<article>`: Represents a self-contained composition that can be independently distributed or reused, such as blog posts, news articles, or forum posts.

5. `<section>`: Defines a standalone section within a document, often used to group related content together.

6. `<aside>`: Represents content that is tangentially related to the main content, such as sidebars, pull quotes, or advertisements.

7. `<footer>`: Represents the footer of a document or a section, typically containing information about the author, copyright information, or links to related documents.

8. `<figure>` and `<figcaption>`: `<figure>` represents self-contained content, such as images or illustrations, while `<figcaption>` provides a caption or description for the `<figure>` element.

9. `<time>`: Represents a specific date, time, or duration, and can be used to mark up events, schedules, or publication dates.

10. `<blockquote>`: Indicates that the enclosed text is a longer quotation from another source.

These semantic tags not only improve the structure and readability of the HTML code but also provide valuable information to search engines, screen readers, and other tools that analyze and interpret web content. They help create a more accessible and meaningful web experience by allowing users and automated systems to better understand the purpose and context of the content.
